November 1-2
Arena Chișinău


1000 Participants
20 Speakers
10 Countries


Moldova DevCon (#MDC) is an annual regional tech event for developers and other geeks. We'll spend 2 days with stunning presentations, practical sessions and afterparty madness.

We are doing something huge this year - a new venue, format, and scale! Don't miss the biggest developer conference in the region!

Limited seats available and early bird tickets end soon, secure your spot here.

Follow us for updates.


20 Speakers

Lead Design Systems Developer at SAP

Daniel Yuschick (Finland)

Approach With Care - Making Digital Accessibility Feel Natural
Lead Design Systems Developer at SAP

Daniel Yuschick (Finland)

Let's step away from specific code examples and, instead, look at how to approach common UI patterns in accessible ways. We will learn how assistive technologies communicate these patterns and highlight the keys to making accessible decisions at the earliest stages of our design and development work. We are not building software for users, but for people — and people deserve empathy from the digital products their lives require.
Site reliability engineer at Electrolux

Alina Astapovich (Sweden)

API Revolution in IoT: How Platform Engineering Streamlines API Development
Site reliability engineer at Electrolux

Alina Astapovich (Sweden)

As the IoT landscape grows, APIs are crucial for managing connected devices, particularly at Electrolux, which supports over 10 million appliances globally. This talk explores Electrolux's journey in transforming API development through Platform Engineering, addressing challenges like API management, security, and governance. It also highlights strategies for enhancing developer experience through self-service API provisioning to boost innovation.
Founder & CEO at

Manuel Koelman (Germany)

Making Business More Human
Founder & CEO at

Manuel Koelman (Germany)

Manuel is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor and leadership whisperer who has build multiple companies since 2003 and has experienced the entrepreneurial roller coaster first-hand.
Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services

Adrian Bere (Romania)

Platform engineering with Kubernetes
Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services

Adrian Bere (Romania)

A wide range of companies, from the most innovative startups to the world’s leading enterprises, are running their internal platforms on Kubernetes, helping them to accelerate developer velocity and increase the pace of innovation. We will discuss how different platform teams use AWS to build their platforms so their developers don't have to worry about infrastructure or running their software. Join this session to learn what are some of the best practices learned while helping customers build and scale their internal platforms.
Software Architect at ASML

Johan Janssen (The Netherlands)

How sand and Java are used to create the world’s most powerful chips
Software Architect at ASML

Johan Janssen (The Netherlands)

Java software is used everywhere, also in the process of chip manufacturing. In my project at ASML we’re working on a relatively new analytics platform which is used to process the data from the machines. The application then visualizes the results in order to find issues or improvement areas. This information is used to change the configuration parameters of the physical machine in order to create more and better chips. I will explain, on a high level, how our applications look like and which Java technologies we use.
Software developer at Pentalog, a Globant division

Anastasia Șerșun (Moldova)

GraphQL beyond forum promises: what it really is and how it can fail you
Software developer at Pentalog, a Globant division

Anastasia Șerșun (Moldova)

The presentation will explore the real-world capabilities and limitations of the GraphQL. We will delve into the core concepts and benefits of it, followed by an honest look at its potential pitfalls from real-world examples. We will gain a balanced perspective over the technology, demistifying it and break the fear of approaching it.
Android Developer at Appsfactory GmbH

Özgür Taş (Germany)

Speeding Up Your App Development With Kotlin Multiplatform
Android Developer at Appsfactory GmbH

Özgür Taş (Germany)

We'll take a look into Kotlin Multiplatform aka KMP. Taking a deep dive into this new and exciting technology. Özgür is a developer with 7 years of experience, currently working out of Leipzig, Germany. Recently, he's been focusing on Android Automotive OS and its features.
Head of Product at xtream

Simone Colucci (Italy)

Actionable user feedbacks for LLM applications
Head of Product at xtream

Simone Colucci (Italy)

When designing LLM-based applications, it’s tempting to go with the best-in-class of any component in the content generation pipeline. Yet, especially in consumer use cases, we must evaluate trade-offs to balance content quality and performances, as they both severely impact UX and one cannot compensate the other. Picking from our own experience building a consumer app serving users real-time content generated on the fly with a complex LLM pipeline, we will explore lessons learnt, tips and tricks to find the sweet spot between these two contrasting forces.
Freelance Software Developer at Netvision

Jasper van Zandbeek (The Netherlands)

Developing micro services: lessons learned
Freelance Software Developer at Netvision

Jasper van Zandbeek (The Netherlands)

Over the past years I've split up monoliths in micro services and developed multiple micro services from scratch. I would like to share my insights gained in building micro services, such as using synchronous or asynchronous communication, REST versus gRPC, and how to secure micro services.
CIO at maib

Viktor Razhev (Ukraine)

Blockchain and Digital National Currencies in Government Systems and Business: benefits and prospects (Russian)
CIO at maib

Viktor Razhev (Ukraine)

How blockchain technology and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are revolutionizing government systems and business operations by enhancing transparency, efficiency, and financial inclusion.

Anton Perkin (Moldova)

Tech Entrepreneurship: Fight in the Arena

Anton Perkin (Moldova)

Anton is an IT entrepreneur, community builder, and innovation geek who has been building an ecosystem of tech companies - - since 2011. We'll talk about the infinite game of tech entrepreneurship, why and why not this is the best job in the world for you.
Senior Software Engineer at FusionWorks

Nick Shtansky (Moldova)

The WebAssembly Revolution: How It's Changing the Game for Web Developers
Senior Software Engineer at FusionWorks

Nick Shtansky (Moldova)

WebAssembly is not just another tech buzzword – it's the catalyst for a paradigm shift in web development. At the MDC24 we’ll dive into how WebAssembly is shattering the limitations of traditional web applications and unlocking a new era of possibilities. We will explore the lightning-fast performance, enhanced security, and cross-platform compatibility that WebAssembly brings to the table. Whether you're a JavaScript Jedi or a coding newcomer, this session will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to embrace the WebAssembly revolution and transform your web development game.
Engineering Lead, AI Integration at Prewave AI

Mardu Swanepoel (South Africa)

Leveraging AI Agents for Superior Software Solutions
Engineering Lead, AI Integration at Prewave AI

Mardu Swanepoel (South Africa)

The field of autonomous AI agents has been significantly advanced by the recent developments in Large Language Models, providing developers with a new dimension to be integrated into software solutions. In this talk, we will examine what exactly AI language agents are, explore the strengths and capabilities they can bring to your software solutions, and discuss how to get started with them. To see these effects, I will present a use case from Prewave AI, demonstrating how we leveraged agents to improve our global supply chain risk detection pipeline.
CTO at Sofascore

Josip Stuhli (Croatia)

Scaling: from 0 to 20 million users
CTO at Sofascore

Josip Stuhli (Croatia)

A story of how our infrastructure evolved over time to accommodate an increasing number of users - from on-premise to cloud and back down. How does one make an infrastructure to handle more than a couple of users? How do you go from 100 to 1000 to 100,000 to tens of millions? What happens when due to popular demand hundreds of thousands of users hit your servers at the same time? I'll tell you a story of how a small team of people managed to move software and services from one server to two, and then to dozens on cloud and then back to on-premise.
Principal Software Engineer at Netcetera

Blagoj Jovanov (North Macedonia)

The Angular Reactivity Momentum in a Nutshell
Principal Software Engineer at Netcetera

Blagoj Jovanov (North Macedonia)

The latest version of Angular has brought a lot of significant improvements towards enabling fine-grained reactivity of the framework. This presentation will cover the most important ones in more detail: the new control flow, angular signals and deferred views. With all these changes Angular makes big steps in becoming fully reactive. After this talk you will be able to unleash the full potential of the reactivity momentum.

Senior Staff Software Engineer at Grid Dynamics

Andrei Balmus (Moldova)

Monorepo to Rule Them All: Managing Source Code at Enterprise Scale
Senior Staff Software Engineer at Grid Dynamics

Andrei Balmus (Moldova)

In this session, we’ll dive into the complexities and benefits of managing large-scale codebases in enterprise environments. We’ll tackle common challenges such as scalability, CI/CD pipelines, and cross-team collaboration while uncovering strategies to effectively handle millions (or even billions) of lines of code. Whether you’re scaling your development processes or refining your workflow, this talk will provide practical insights and solutions to help you master the art of managing a monorepo.
Chief Operating Officer (COO) at PQ.Hosting

Sergey Nazarov (Serbia)

Hosting provider. From local to global business.
Chief Operating Officer (COO) at PQ.Hosting

Sergey Nazarov (Serbia)

Content is one of the main powers today and the engine that delivers the content to the consumer is hosting. How do you run your own hosting business and which obstacles will you face on the journey to becoming a global brand? These and other questions will be answered during this speech.

3 Workshops

Special Agent at Team Rockstars IT

David de Hoop (The Netherlands)

Make your own multicloud-ready microservice in minutes with DAPR
Special Agent at Team Rockstars IT

David de Hoop (The Netherlands)

David is Special Agent (thought leader) at Team Rockstars IT. With more than ten years of experience in Software Architecture and working DevOps, he is an evangelist when it comes to the latest developments and trends within the DevOps Community. He is also an open-source contributor to the GitLab project.
Solution Architect at IBM Research

Ilie Circiumaru (Switzerland)

Digital Identity & Currency in Practice
Solution Architect at IBM Research

Ilie Circiumaru (Switzerland)

According to Ernst & Young, Digital ID could unlock economic value equivalent to 3 to 13 percent of GDP in 2030. To be able to unlock this great potential, during the workshop we will study different types of Digital Identity, real-world use cases and associated challenges. We will dive deep into concrete implementations and applied, but fancy cryptography. In the second part of the workshop we will see how digital identity can facilitate anonymous and in the same time auditable digital payments which stay in the core of the emerging financial instrument "Central Bank Digital Currency".
CTO (Orchestra Lead) @ maib

Stanislav Dobrovolschi (Moldova)

Accelerating Product Delivery: Practices for Delivering Quality Solutions Quickly
CTO (Orchestra Lead) @ maib

Stanislav Dobrovolschi (Moldova)

CI/CD has been around for some time and many teams claim to implement it, or at least that’s the language they use. But how truly continuous is their process? Explore Agile practices and tools designed to streamline product development in today’s competitive market. Through hands-on activities and real-world examples, you'll learn how to speed up your delivery process and bring high-quality solutions to market faster. Perfect for anyone involved in product delivery.

Afterparty Special Guest

Moldovan alternative rock band

Gândul Mâței


Nov 1
Nov 2
Main Stage
Hidden Stage
Registration, Coffee
Opening speech - Anton Perkin, CEO @ MDC
Scaling: from 0 to 20 million users
Josip Stuhli, CTO @ Sofascore
The WebAssembly Revolution: How It's Changing the Game for Web Developers
Nick Shtansky, Senior Software Engineer @ FusionWorks
Platform engineering with Kubernetes
Adrian Bere, Solutions Architect @ Amazon Web Services
Closing remarks & lottery
Wine & Tech dinner [Geek tickets only]
Main Stage
Hidden Stage
Registration, Coffee
Opening speech - Anton Perkin, CEO @ MDC
Developing micro services: lessons learned
Jasper van Zandbeek, Freelance Software Developer @ Netvision
Making Business More Human
Manuel Koelman, Founder & CEO @
GraphQL beyond forum promises: what it really is and how it can fail you
Anastasia Sersun, Software developer @ Pentalog
Make your own multicloud-ready microservice in minutes with DAPR
David de Hoop, Special Agent @ Team Rockstars IT
Blockchain and Digital National Currencies
in Government Systems and Business: benefits and prospects (RU)
Viktor Razhev, CIO @ maib
Hosting provider. From local to global business
Sergey Nazarov, Chief Operating Officer (COO) @ PQ.Hosting
Leveraging AI Agents for Superior Software Solutions
Mardu Swanepoel, Engineering Lead, AI Integration @ Prewave AI
Digital Identity & Currency in Practice
Ilie Circiumaru, Solution Architect @ IBM Research
API Revolution in IoT: How Platform Engineering Streamlines API Development
Alina Astapovich, Site reliability engineer @ Electrolux
Panel discussion - The Future Developer: Skills and Roles in an AI-Augmented Workforce
Approach With Care - Making Digital Accessibility Feel Natural
Daniel Yuschick, Lead Design Systems Developer @ SAP
Actionable user feedbacks for LLM applications
Simone Colucci, Head of Product @ xtream
How sand and Java are used to create the world’s most powerful chips
Johan Janssen, Software Architect @ ASML
Accelerating Product Delivery: Practices for Delivering Quality Solutions Quickly
Stanislav Dobrovolschi, CTO (Orchestra Lead) @ maib
Panel discussion - Ethical Hacking: Legitimate Defense or Escalation of Conflict?
The Angular Reactivity Momentum in a Nutshell
Blagoj Jovanov, Principal Software Engineer @ Netcetera
Monorepo to Rule Them All: Managing Source Code at Enterprise Scale
Andrei Balmus, Senior Staff Software Engineer @ Grid Dynamics
Speeding Up Your App Development With Kotlin Multiplatform
Ozgur Tas, Android Developer @ Appsfactory GmbH
Tech Entrepreneurship: Fight on the Arena
Anton Perkin, CEO @ MDC
Closing remarks & lottery
Afterparty with Gândul Mâței

Reasons to attend


Learn from engineers from all over the world that will speak on the hottest tech topics.

Besides presentations, you will participate in practical workshops.

Network & party

Meet hundreds of other techies to chat and start new collaborations.

A live performance from Gindul Mitei will demonstrate how geeks can party hard.

Up your career

Visit our partner booths to find out about the new job opportunities and synergies.

We'll talk about the tech labor market from the stage and help you grow.

Organized By

Supported By

General Media Partner

Media Partners



  • conference participation
  • coffee + tea + water
  • afterparty (Saturday)

till 29.10.24
  • conference participation
  • coffee + tea + water
  • afterparty (Saturday)
  • workshops
till 29.10.24
  • conference participation
  • afterparty (Saturday)
  • workshops
  • VIP lounge + food&drinks
  • Wine&Tech party (Friday)


till 29.10.24


How can I buy a ticket?
You have the button in the upper menu. Just click it 🙂
How to get to the venue?

You can can come by car (free parking available for everyone), public transport or taxi. Here is the map. Good news - there is only one “Chisinau Arena” in the country - you won't miss it.

What about parking?

We have 800 parking lots available in front of the venue. Should be enough 🙂

What should I bring with myself?

Yourself and your e-ticket. Do not print them - help save the trees. Also you may want to take some money for food, drinks and transport. We accept cards everywhere.

Is there any dress code for the event?

No, nothing special. The heating is on and we have the wardrobe for your clothes.


Event address

Chisinau Arena: 130, Calea Orheiului street, Chisinau, Moldova

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